14:05 - 15:25 Uhr

Model Driven Testing (Vortragssprache: Englisch)

Gregory Solovey

Model Driven Testing

The lecture is based on the guidelines/classes that were implemented in Nokia.

The following topics are going to be covered: how to verify the requirements testability, how to form requirements to simplify the test design process, and how to monitor the complete requirements implementation. During this lecture I will try to answer the following questions:

  1. “What does test completeness mean?“
    The participants will learn guidelines on how to present the SW architecture/requirements/specifications that allows to build complete test. Describe popular SW models, their errors and test design techniques.
  2. “How to verify that the test is complete?"
    The test review process is the only place to confirm test consistence. We will discuss the requirements/specifications formats that make the test reviewing process easy and meaningful.
  3. “How to guarantee the test controllability and observability?”
    Test cases should be able to be executed and analyzed from external interfaces; what to do if this is not the case? A possible structure of a test harness to access system resources will be shown.
  4. “How to convert the informal requirements, presented in plain English description, into a hierarchy of known SW models?”
    We will discuss the set of rules that system engineers and architects need to follow in order to deliver tester friendly requirements.
  5. "How to insure end-2-end traceability"?
    The traceability provides a base for test completeness measurement; we go through the process of building the traceability tags into the SW and test models.
  6. "How to monitor the test completeness?"
    Will discuss a practical approach to build dashboards that reflect the progress of test design and automation, through several KPIs.

The lecture is based on two of the author's articles:
“From test techniques to test methods”, Professional Tester magazine, issue 29, November 2014 and “Tower of Babel insights”, Professional Tester magazine, issue 35, December 2015 and it is a revised version of last year's Software-QS-Tag presentation "Test Driven Development: requirements and test design".

Gregory Solovey, Nokia

Gregory Solovey is test architect and product owner for continuous integration/test framework, distinguished member of technical staff at Nokia. He holds a PhD in test design and automation for hierarchical systems. Gregory has 25 years of experience in test design, test automation, test management related fields, speaks at conferences and writes on test and QA related topics. He is the editorial board member of the Professional Tester Magazine.