Vortrag - 08.11.2012

Model-based Testing for Today and Tomorrow

Robert Binder,
System Verification Associates

Mobile apps, cloud computing, big data, and the agile approach now dominate software development. These technologies bring new challenges in security, scalability, responsiveness, usability, and data quality. Testers now face a new challenge: how to achieve realistic and effective end-to-end testing that covers many mobile end points and server-side programs hosted in "the cloud". Automated model-based testing is a proven solution for the known challenges of functionality, performance, and maintainability. But is model-based testing still relevant? This talk will explain how model-based testing can meet the new challenges of present-day technology.

Robert Binder, System Verification Associates
Robert V. Binder is a serial entrepreneur and software technologist with extensive systems engineering experience, including development and application of several model-based testing tools.
As President of System Verification Associates, he has provided solutions for clients facing existential regulatory challenges. As CEO and founder of mVerify Corporation, he took a unique solution for mobile app testing to market. He led RBSC Corporations consulting practice in software process and advanced software testing, delivering expertize and solutions globally.
Binder has developed hundreds of application systems and advanced automated testing solutions. He was awarded a U.S. Patent for model-based testing of mobile systems. He received the MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago and the BA and MBA from the University of Chicago. He is an IEEE Senior Member and holds the CSDP.

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