Vortrag - 02.11.2011

10:30 - 11:15 Social Dynamics and Values - making and measuring quality Josef Dietl,


Both Agile methods and traditional Quality Assurance methods aim to produce the best possible software product. This presentation focusses on the social dynamics in Scrum and Waterfall / V-models, and on the impact of such social dynamics on product quality.
Waterfall projects tend to be vulnerable to expose variation in their emphasis on quality. Stereotypically, quality ambition is high in the beginning of the project, displaced by feature pressure towards development close and ends in intense test and correction activities towards delivery. On the social side, this fluctuation in focus can lead to a (temporary ?) feeling of opposition between the development staff and the QA staff. Agile methods on the other hand lead to a fairly continuous emphasis on producing quality throughout the project and prefer - especially in a set-up where a QA person is part of the Scrum team - ongoing collaboration.
The presentation provides highlights from the social dynamics from several projects. On this basis, the social values are explored that strengthen the two respective styles of collaboration in waterfall and Scrum approaches, so that leadership can design the organizational set-up and re-inforce the social values consistent with the project methodology chosen. We conclude that both agile and waterfall models can minimize team-internal fricition while delivering high quality products, if and only if the social norms practiced match the project methodology chosen.

Josef Dietl, BrillianTeams
Josef Dietl ist seit über 15 Jahren in der Internet- und IT-Industrie tätig.
Bevor er BrillianTeams gründete, leitete er sowohl in industrieführenden Software-Unternehmen als auch in Start-Ups die Entwicklunsprojekte für Standardlösungen. Dabei erwarb er über ein Dutzend Patente.
Von 1997-2000 arbeitete er beim World Wide Web Consortium an der Weiterentwicklung der Standards für das World Wide Web und ist einer der Co-Autoren der XForms-Spezifikation.
Herr Dietl ist Mitgründer des "Fördervereins Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft" und zertifizierter NLP-Coach (Society of NLP).

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