Keynote - Vortrag I - 04.11.2010

09:15 - 10:15 Service Driven Test Management:
enabling instead of complaining and blaming
Martin Pol,
Polteq IT Services BV

Over the years, test management has evolved from "struggling to get involved" to today’s "an indispensable partner in project success". Over the years test management has evaluated from "struggling to get involved" via "managing the fire brigade" to nowadays "an indispensable partner in project success".  ”Us” vs. ”them” thinking became common. It was easy to complain that testing could not be carried out as planned. Insufficient specs, not enough people, late and incomplete delivery, no appropriate environments, no tools, tremendous time pressure, etc. All reasons to blame the rest of the world. Today, test management is focusing on providing a service to help product development. Not as a kind of referee, but enabling the project team to add quality. As full members of project teams, test management finds solutions for any testing related problem that could influence the project’s success.

Martin Pol addresses how to act in the modern testing scene, by anticipating from the beginning, organizing alternatives and shortcuts, enabling the project team to deliver quality, and taking ownership, as a full partner in the project team.

Key Points

  • The evolution of the test profession
  • Getting involved is the first step, doing the right things the next
  • From complaining and blaming towards enabling

Martin Pol, Polteq IT Services BV
Martin Pol is working for Polteq International Testing Services, based in The Netherlands. He has played a significant role in helping to raise the awareness and improve the performance of testing worldwide. Since1983 he’s completely dedicated to Testing.
He’s gained experience by managing testing processes and implementing structured testing in many organizations in different branches, worldwide. During recent years he has also specialized in test outsourcing and he has developed an approach to successfully deal with this phenomenon. Together with the other Polteq specialists, he is still working in the testing practice every day.
With exceptional insight and experience in practical testing issues, Martin is a regarded presenter (keynotes, tutorials and track presentations) at conferences and training sessions throughout Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia, e.g.: > 30 appearances at the American STAR conferences, > 15 at EuroSTAR, LatinSTAR, AsiaSTAR, etc.
He was responsible for the creation of the structured testing approach TMap® and the Test Process Improvement model, TPI®. Martin Pol is the co-author of books on TMap and TPI which are available in Dutch, English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese. Both TMap and TPI have become world standards.
He received the “European Testing Excellence Award” for his contribution to the field of testing across Europe. Martin Pol chaired the Dutch SIGIST TestNet for 5 years and was the program chair of EuroSTAR 1995, 1996 and 2005 (Copenhagen).

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